everything you need to have a baby

Contrary to what most of the baby + childhood industry might tell you, you don't need much to raise a baby. You don't need the motorised swing, the high contrast, primary coloured (overstimulating) playmat, 1000 teethers, the perfect nursery aesthetic.

You don't need invasive cervical checks to birth your baby. You don't need someone to tell you how and when to push, or how to move your body.

You don't need to entertain your baby, or teach them how to find beauty and wonder in the world.

It's my wish that EVERY mama knows this truth; she and her baby have everything she needs within her to provide a beautiful, nurturing environment.

What it boils down to, for both mother and baby, is connection – to yourselves, to the world around you + to each other.

But so often this knowledge is drowned out in the culture that surrounds motherhood today, from the very beginning:

'Three days overdue - have you tried everything? We'll just book you in, get things started for you.

Your pelvis is too small/baby too big/dilation too slow and obviously your body forgot how to do this, so best let us take the lead.

Look outside of yourself, buy this guide, this formula to top up what your body didn't provide.

Buy this product, or this one, or these ones or that. One will make sure she's sleeping through soon, because clearly a baby that wants to be close is just manipulating - taking advantage of you.

Did she roll over yet? Make sure you do exercises, and force her to practice alone on the floor (don't worry if she cries, most of them do).

Count the feeds, count the sleep, separate yourselves where you can, and by the way, are you sure that she's getting enough?'

And this right here, is my main role as a postpartum doula.

To give you a touchstone throughout pregnancy + postpartum that reminds you that you have all that you need. You're the latest in a LONG line of women birthing babies. You know your baby + what they need better than anyone.

It's my role to gently remind you of that connection to yourselves and each other that comes before all else.

If this sounds like the kind of voice you’d like to have with you, reach out. I’d love to walk alongside you.


oil blends for the full moon


what is a postpartum doula anyway?