

A find from my jottings in months past: when our home was still on the mountain, when Luka was still a bundle of adorable rolls and gummy smiles, when the days began with misty chill instead of warm walks in the sunshine. 

Swap the beanies for sunhats, and I could almost have written the same thing yesterday. 

Forever searching for ways to live more simply, see more clearly, connect more deeply. 


baby luka.jpeg

I’ve been trying to settle, lately. Settle down my expectations for myself. Settle into a rhythm I can go with each day. Settle into the person I want to be. 

A big part of this comes from starting my days a little differently. Before? Instant coffee huddled in front of the gas fire place, Luka working out how to move this new body of his on the floor beside me. My mind elsewhere, scattered, ungrounded. 

Now? Herbal tea, beanies and warm jumpers. Snuggling with Luka on the back steps, watching the chickens scratch around for food. Chatting to the parrots who land next to us to put in their requests. 


I can feel the peaceful morning rippling through to the rest of our day. In the midst of the inevitable challenging moments that come hand in hand with life with a five month old,  I’m able to find a little more patience, remain a little more calm. 

I often find the benefits of my healthy habits so much clearer in hindsight. It’s as though my cosy, lazy self puts a fog over my view into the future and prevents me from really feeling how good it feels to do yoga/wake up early/prep that healthy meal ahead of time. 

So I extend an invitation to you – make some kind of change, even a small one. You know what it is already, I’m sure. It hovers at the back of your mind, a way of living that you know will bring more peace, more clarity, more joy to your life. Ten minutes alone in the morning while the little ones sleep, or spend time with another family member. A walk to the shops instead of a drive, an often thought of book finally ordered online. 

Whatever it is, let me know – I’d love to hear these shared experiences. Maybe, like me, it’s simply a shift of the same routine from one location to another. Indoors to outdoors. Supermarket to market stall. Home office to cafe. Living room floor to the back steps. 


This morning we heard a kookaburra in the distance, the first one I’ve heard in a little while. I wondered how many mornings he’s been there while I huddled inside. 


saying goodbye to coffee