This Whole Village

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nutrition spotlight: magnesium

Magnesium: aptly dubbed the ‘mama mineral’ by Dr Oscar Serrallach, is responsible for literally hundreds of processes in the body. Much like most mamas I know, things would completely fall apart without it - and unfortunately, around 1 in 3 women of childbearing age don’t get enough of it.

This means that 1 in 3 mothers are likely lacking a mineral that is crucial for protein production, melatonin production (read: quality sleep), blood sugar stability, muscle and nerve function, bone development, healthy bowel movements and energy production. Other minerals need magnesium to be present too; it’s essential for calcium, zinc, iron + copper do their jobs properly within the body.

Without enough magnesium, you might feel irritable, struggle to concentrate, and experience headaches + muscle cramps.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding both take a toll on our magnesium levels - your body gives to baby first. And did I mention that when we're stressed, we lose more of this mineral?

So, how can you get your magnesium levels where they should be? Luckily, it’s an easy mineral to get through your diet, by incorporating:

☼ dark chocolate (that’s right, make yourself a hot cacao or snack on a square of organic dark chocolate 😍)
☼ leafy greens
☼ nuts + seeds
☼ salmon
☼ avocado
☼ coconut water

Supplementation is a more potent way to increase your levels; speak to your naturopath or nutritionist to find the right form of magnesium for your body.

You can also treat yourself to a bath with magnesium chloride flakes for transdermal absorption (and the bonus of lowering stress levels). A mindfulness practice and using breathwork + essential oils to help manage stress wouldn’t go astray either.

Magnesium is honestly the most appealing mineral to boost your intake of - dark chocolate, de-stressing and magnesium baths, anyone?