This Whole Village

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saying goodbye to coffee

A good cup of coffee has long been one of my favourite indulgences. But after months (years?) of fluctuating moods and energy levels, jitters and feelings of anxiousness after a cup too many, the occasional headaches – and really, just the dependency – I’m feeling ready for a long term change. 

And so, I quit. Save the occasional weekend cup or emergency pick me up, I’m letting go of that regular dose of caffeinated heaven. 

Of course, this change (like most) is simpler in theory than practice. The reality of ditching this habit inevitably means a temporary increase in the reasons I wanted to quit in the first place. 

I’m no stranger to this process; having felt the need to take a break from caffeine many times in the past. This in itself makes up a large part of my decision to quit for good. While some out there are able to drink coffee regularly without any negative affects, I am not one of those people. 

Lucky for me, this familiarity means that I’ve been able to curate a few strategies that help to soften those first few days of short tempers (and a shorter supply of energy). 

1 | the foundations: get enough sleep and drink enough water 

This is imperative. It is incredibly difficult to feel energised and alert when you are dehydrated and running on too little sleep. These factors likely play a large role in many of us beginning our dependence on caffeine in the first place, and are one of the easiest excuses to turn to when we want to put off quitting until ‘tomorrow’. Set an alarm each night reminding yourself that it’s time to go to bed, and do what you can to allow yourself enough sleep to feel well rested in the morning. For those of us with young children, or those who do shift work, this may prove a bit more challenging. Simply do whatever you can. 

2 | peppermint essential oil 

This oil has saved my day more times than I can count! Whenever I’m feeling especially slow and sluggish, I’ll hold the bottle up to my nose (not too close – it’s a very strong scent!) and take a deep breath in. The effects are instant; I can feel my brain kick-starting from the moment I do this. For a little extra longevity, I’ll use a roller bottle made up of peppermint essential oil in a carrier of sweet almond oil. I apply this to my temples (making sure to stay away from the eyes), on the back of the neck and on my pulse points. If you’re a heavy coffee drinker, this oil should also help to ward off the head tension that can sometimes appear when you don’t get your usual coffee fix! 

3 | move your body 

Counter intuitive as it might seem, getting in some exercise is great for boosting your energy – and the rush of endorphins will help to ease any irritability, too. My absolute favourite way to do this is yoga – specifically, Yoga With Adriene. She has a beautifully light-hearted, sometimes humorous approach to yoga, yet somehow weaves in all the calming, introspective aspects of the practice as well. 

If this isn’t your jam, no problem – get out for a run, do some skipping, put on your favourite music and dance it out. Do whatever you can to get your blood moving and those endorphins coming! 

4 | citrus in your diffuser 

If you have an essential oil diffuser, throw some citrus oils in there and get those uplifting, energising scents wafting through your home. My favourites are lemon, wild orange or tangerine. Be mindful that citrus oils tend to evaporate quite quickly, so don’t worry if you can’t smell them after they’ve been diffusing for a little while. Those constituents are still working their magic in the air and in your body! 

5 | be gentle 

Finally, and most importantly – be gentle with yourself. Caffeine is quite literally a drug that we are working to get out of our system, and this can be a messy process. If it doesn’t go as you wanted it to, forgive yourself. If you find yourself struggling with your mood or energy, forgive yourself. 

If you find yourself back on three cups a day, forgive yourself – then start the process again. Maybe slower this time. Maybe not. Maybe the clean break is what you need? Whatever its is, the days of clear thinking, more balanced moods and higher energy are in front of you. All you need to do is keep moving towards them.