why doterra?

So you’ve stumbled into the world of essential oils and you’re probably wondering what it is that makes doterra so special. Well, it’s not what you might think.

Yes, they have some of the purest oils on the planet (and third party testing to back that up), but that’s not the only reason to choose doterra. It’s the integrity + heart of the company for me, and the community that’s created around it.

Read on to learn all about CPTG (doterra’s testing standard), Co-Impact Sourcing, the Healing Hands Foundation, and what it means to become a customer in our oil community. In a nutshell, how every purchase of a little amber bottle can benefit not only you, but the earth, and people halfway across the world from you.

Pure, potent essential oils sourced sustainably and ethically from the plants’ native environments all over the world.

Third party tested for quality.

Supporting small farmers + working with them to grow their businesses.

Giving back to communities around the world with every purchase.


The quality of doterra essential oils is absolutely incredible, and we know that every batch reaches the same high standards because of four little letters: CPTG. Certified Pure Tested Grade is doterra’s own standard for the purity and potency of their oils.

Unfortunately, the label ‘100% pure essential oil’ whacked on the front of an amber bottle doesn’t mean much. These ‘pure’ essential oils can still be diluted, adulterated with synthetics, or contaminated with pesticides or solvents. We need to look a little closer when choosing quality essential oils to bring into our home. All of doterra’s oils have been undergone GC/MS testing by an external third party, and shown to meet their CPTG standard. The results of these tests show that the batch is free from contaminants and confirm the potency - that the proper levels of chemical constituents are present - so you know the oil will do what it’s supposed to.

  • Source to You

    Learn more about the sourcing stories behind doterra’s oils, access your oil batch’s GC/MS test results + learn more about the quality of essential oils here.

  • CPTG

    Learn more about doterra’s testing process + what it means for an oil to meet CPTG standards here.

ethical + sustainable sourcing

All of doterra’s sourcing is done with sustainability in mind. Every story is different, but respect for the earth is woven through the entire process; from the slow harvest of Copaiba resin in the Amazon rainforest, to the use of waste products to create Black Spruce in a closed loop energy cycle, to the reduction of invasive species Douglas Fir in New Zealand.


Co-impact sourcing is the name for doterra’s sourcing model: a system where the production of your oils impacts the lives of everyone involved, from the people in your home to the families and communities around those that grow, harvest and distil the plants all across the world. Rather than grown in a nutrient depleted field far from the plant’s natural environment, the plants doterra uses are sourced from wherever in the world it is that the plant thrives. The soil, environmental conditions like rainfall and temperature, and even the time of harvest all impact the constituent levels found in the final product of the essential oil.

The production of the oils offers jobs with fair, reliable wages and good working conditions to those living in these regions (over half of which are developing countries). Resources and education, farming and distilling equipment as well as training are provided by doterra to support the workers directly. Their families + the communities around them are then elevated through the work of the Healing Hands Foundation.


The Healing Hands Foundation is a non-profit organisation that works with communities around the world to elevate the standard of living through access to education, medical care, clean water, food, hygiene products, shelter + more. The foundation also works closely with Operation Underground Railroad, an organisation dedicated to fighting human trafficking.

Its administrative costs and overheads are entirely funded by doterra, so you know that every cent of any donation goes directly to the people and communities in need. Donate or learn more here, or purchase a Hope roller bottle through your doterra account to have the entire purchase price donated to the Healing Hands Foundation.


When you purchase doterra essential oils, you’re not only getting your oils, but access to an entire community of support + education. When you join my oils community, you gain access to all of this:

  • The Apothecary: an online members area with guides for getting started + ongoing education around essential oils, low-tox living, nutrition, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, parenting and more. More resources are being added all the time to help you cultivate a more natural, nourishing and intentional life.

  • a private instagram where you can find ongoing education in bite sized pieces + connect with a like-minded community

  • me! Have a question about which oil to reach for, how to make up your roller bottle or where to find more info? You can always send me a message + know you’ll be supported.

Ready to become part of the movement doterra has created? Join my oils community here