
Essential oils from doterra are pure, potent plant extracts. A little goes a long way + it’s important to ensure you know how to use them safely.

When you join my oils community you’ll receive access to our members area, which dives a bit deeper into how to use your oils. Here, we’ll go over the basics you need to get started + feel confident in your knowledge from the moment you place your first order.

the oils you choose matter

The information in this post is only intended for doterra essential oils. Unless you can access GC/MS reports to ensure their quality, other brands are likely to be adulterated with synthetics, pestides + other contaminants.

Click the button below to read about the potency + purity of doterra oils.

three ways to use your oils


  • The first and most obvious way to use essential oils: inhaling that beautiful scent! We can do this by diffusing in an ultrasonic diffuser, smelling oils straight from the bottle, or by applying oil to pillows, clothing, or your hair. 

  • You can also add a drop of oil to your hands, rub them together and then cup them over your face to take a deep inhale for a more direct exposure (and a perfect opportunity for a moment of mindfulness spent focusing on your breath).

  • This is the gentlest way to utilise oils and is a great place to start. It’s also very effective for mood management as the receptors in your nose are so closely linked with the emotional centres in the brain!


  • Taking things a step further, we can apply many different oils to the skin, where they are absorbed into the body and make their way into your bloodstream. 

  • It’s important to dilute your oils for more effective absorption + reduced risk of skin irritation. Dilution levels vary according to age, skin sensitivity (those with more sensitive skin will want to dilute more heavily), the oil you’re using (hot oils such as oregano are stronger on the skin than lavender, for example) + the purpose you’re using it for.

  • When you join our community, you’ll receive a general dilution guide for making your own roller bottles to use at home, as well as access to support from me with any questions you have - you can message me any time.


  • Finally, we can also use some of doterra's essential oils as food flavouring or in supplements. As mentioned above, I only recommend doterra's oils for this purpose, as the purity and reliability of the constituent levels are so important when you're using them in this way. The CPTG standard of doterra's oils means that you can trust them fully for use in your food or supplements - just check the label on each oil to make sure it's suitable for food flavouring.

  • It's best to dilute most oils in a fatty substance such as oil or coconut cream to make them gentler on your mouth and throat when adding them to food. Get to know the oils and ensure your body is comfortable with them before using them internally.


a few basics to note

  • If you ever need to remove an oil you've applied, never try to wash it away with plain water. Instead, rub carrier oil on top, then wipe it away, and repeat. This dilutes the oil before it's wiped away, whereas the water can push the oil particles further into the skin.

  • Diffusing constantly can cause olfactory fatigue, where your body acclimatises to the smell and effects of the oil. Diffuse intermittently for the most effective use of your oils.

  • Some oils can cause photosensitivity (sensitivity to UV rays) when applied to the skin. Most citrus oils, and a few others, fall into this category. Always read the label for safety instructions.

  • During pregnancy or with babies + children it’s important to dilute even further, and to avoid some oils as they can cause problems. Avoid peppermint entirely for children under three, and topically for children under six. Eucalyptus should also be avoided topically under ten years old.

  • Always make sure your pets have an exit from the room you’re diffusing in and do not apply oils to them without guidance. They do not have the same ability to metabolise all oils as we do. If you’re interested in using essential oils for your pets, The Essential Oil Vet is a great resource for you.

  • To keep your oils at their best, store away from heat, light + air. Essential oils may corrode plastic and cause it to leach toxins - glass is a better storage choice.

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